International Charity Day, 2024

علمی لاگ

 International Charity Day, 2024

On September 5 International Charity Day is celebrated in the whole world. On International Charity Day, people do charity programs and show kindness to the poor and needy.

Why This day is celebrated:

On this day, people show kindness to the poor and needy and spread love and kindness everywhere. Everywhere in the globe is celebrating this day. In different countries, charity events are arranged.

Different Events arranged:

In charity events, they collect funds and use them to help the poor and needy. By raising funds people show kindness to everyone who needs it. 

By celebrating charity day people show their love and kindness for orphans, poor, homeless people, and other needy people.

On this day charity events are organized by rich people and different organizations working for the poor and needy.

They arrange charity events in orphanages, old age homes, and other places where needy people live and take shelter.

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